Post by Mark Millard via freebsd-armPost by tech-listsHow can zfs-on-root boot-to-usb3 on rpi4 be accomplished?
I've tried bsdinstall from a mmcsd-booted rpi4 but there seems to be
problems with it that I can't work around. What's really needed is an
installer, but these aren't made for arm64.aarch64 rpi4 from what I can
see (I'm no expert though, it's entirely feasible i've missed
Maybe one way of doing it would be to have a usb key (as ufs2) for the
system to boot on, then have /home /usr/obj and other larger dirs on the
usb3-zfs disk.
I used bsdinstall from booting a releng/13.0's release/
. . .
Various details shown will just be my specific
choices. (The RPi4B's that I have access to have
the 2021-Apr-29 default(/critical) EEPROM image.)
Taking notes as I go (and readjusting as I
progress and figure things out, eliminating
failing attempts as well) . . .
Booting based on a microsd card with releng/13.0 's
release/13.0.0 as its basis. The context has a
working network with internet access.
# uname -apKU
FreeBSD generic 13.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE #0 releng/13.0-n244733-ea31abc261f: Fri Apr 9 06:06:55 UTC 2021 *** arm64 aarch64 1300139 1300139
Plug in USB3 SSD. Ends up as da0.
# /bin/sh # Just for my familiarity
# set -o vi
# mkdir -p /usr/freebsd-dist
# cd /usr/freebsd-dist
# fetch
MANIFEST 782 B 6147 kBps 00s
# cd ~
# bsdinstall
Continue with default keymap : Select
Enter hostname as ZFStest : OK
[*] base-dbg
[*] kernel-dbg
[ ] ports
[ ] src
[*] tests
then: OK
(Note: I use git for src and ports.)
Main Site : OK
Auto (ZFS) : OK
Pool Name : Select
Enter name for zpool ztstp : OK
Swap Size : Select
Enter swap size 24g : OK
Proceed with Installation : Select
Stripe - No Redundancy : OK
[*] da0 : OK
Last Chance for da0 : YES
Downloads . . .
Extracts . . .
New Password: . . .
Retype New Password: . . .
genet0 : OK
configure IPv4 : YES
configure DHCP : YES
configure IPv6 : YES
Resolver Configuration : OK
time is UTC? : YES
America : OK
United States of America : OK
Pacific : OK
Does PDT look reasonable? : Yes
May 2021 6 : Set Date
11 07 00 : Set Time
[ ] local_unbound
[*] sshd
[ ] moused
[ ] ntpdate
[*] ntpd
[*] powerd
[*] dumpdev
Then : OK
No hardening options enabled : OK
Add uses? : Yes
. . . details omitted . . .
OK ? yes
Add another user? no
Handbook : OK
[*] en : OK
Apply configuration and exit installer : OK
open a shell : No
# shutdown -p now
At this point it still can not boot an RPi4B
for lack of rpi firmware and U-Boot.
I have such available on other machine based
on the latest ports instead of quarterly. There
are RPi4B's in the world that need the more
modern U-Boot compared to the quarterly that
releng/13.0 is tied to by default. But you
likely could install rpi-firmware and
u-boot-rpi-arm64 on the microsd card and
then copy over materials from there.
In my context . . .
# gpart show -p da1
=> 40 468862048 da1 GPT (224G)
40 532480 da1p1 efi (260M)
532520 2008 - free - (1.0M)
534528 50331648 da1p2 freebsd-swap (24G)
50866176 417994752 da1p3 freebsd-zfs (199G)
468860928 1160 - free - (580K)
# mount -onoatime -tmsdosfs /dev/da1p1 /mnt
# cp -aRx /usr/local/share/rpi-firmware/* /mnt/
# cp -aRx /mnt/config_arm64.txt /mnt/config.txt
# cp -aRx /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi-arm64/u-boot.bin /mnt/
# umount /mnt
Back to the RPi4B, no microsd card but plugging in the
USB3 SSD and booting and logging in:
Dec 31 16:00:48 ZFStest login[1351]: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyu0
FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0 releng/13.0-n244733-ea31abc261f: Fri Apr 9 03:54:53 UTC 2021
# gpart show -p
=> 40 468862048 da0 GPT (224G)
40 532480 da0p1 efi (260M)
532520 2008 - free - (1.0M)
534528 50331648 da0p2 freebsd-swap (24G)
50866176 417994752 da0p3 freebsd-zfs (199G)
468860928 1160 - free - (580K)
# uname -apKU
FreeBSD ZFStest 13.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE #0 releng/13.0-n244733-ea31abc261f: Fri Apr 9 03:54:53 UTC 2021 *** arm64 aarch64 1300139 1300139
I end up adding to /etc/rc.conf:
The first boot's time will be messed up for
lack of the ntpd_sync_on_start="YES" .
# shutdown -r now
After login:
# ls -Tld /etc/rc.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 279 Dec 31 16:12:37 1969 /etc/rc.conf
# touch /etc/rc.conf
There are other files around with such an odd timestamp.
# zpool list
ztstp 199G 1.09G 198G - - 0% 0% 1.00x ONLINE -
# zfs list
ztstp 1.09G 192G 96K /ztstp
ztstp/ROOT 1.08G 192G 96K none
ztstp/ROOT/default 1.08G 192G 1.08G /
ztstp/tmp 96K 192G 96K /tmp
ztstp/usr 416K 192G 96K /usr
ztstp/usr/home 128K 192G 128K /usr/home
ztstp/usr/ports 96K 192G 96K /usr/ports
ztstp/usr/src 96K 192G 96K /usr/src
ztstp/var 680K 192G 96K /var
ztstp/var/audit 96K 192G 96K /var/audit
ztstp/var/crash 96K 192G 96K /var/crash
ztstp/var/log 200K 192G 200K /var/log
ztstp/var/mail 96K 192G 96K /var/mail
ztstp/var/tmp 96K 192G 96K /var/tmp
# more /etc/sysctl.conf
# $FreeBSD$
# This file is read when going to multi-user and its contents piped thru
# ``sysctl'' to adjust kernel values. ``man 5 sysctl.conf'' for details.
# Uncomment this to prevent users from seeing information about processes that
# are being run under another UID.
I'll note that in:
# more /boot/efi/config.txt
The hdmi)safe=1 line restricts the HDMI display
resolution/scaling. Any of the following
replacements for that line will avoid that but
in some contexts one could end up in a "blind
display" context instead, which is why hdmi_safe
is enabled by default.
or just delete the line.
Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)