Orange Pi support
John F Carr
2021-05-27 14:25:09 UTC
It would be nice to have a support matrix showing Orange Pi models. I made a list of models from the web site showing which SoC they use. There are four model lines: AllWinner, Rockchip, RDA, and MediaTek. I see there are u-boot packages for some AllWinner-based models. I assume those work. I see no support for MediaTek processors in the kernel so I assume they do not work. I assume the RockChip-based models don't work but could be made to work because CPU support is already in there for Pine. The RDA8810 seems to be an ancient single-core chip and maybe nobody cares. Can anybody fill in the question marks in the list below?

Model Works? SoC

Zero Y AllWinner H2
Zero+ Y AllWinner H5
Zero+2 ? AllWinner H3 or H5
Zero2 N? AllWinner H616
ZeroLTS ? AllWinner H2
One Y AllWinner H3
One+ ? AllWinner H6
3 ? AllWinner H6
R1 ? AllWinner H5
Prime ? AllWinner H5
Win+ ? AllWinner A64
+2E Y AllWinner H3
PC Y AllWinner H3
PC+ Y AllWinner H3
PC 2 Y AllWinner H5
Lite Y? AllWinner H3
Lite 2 ? AllWinner H6

R1+ ? Rockchip RK3328
4 ? Rockchip RK3399
4B ? Rockchip RK3399
RK3399 ? Rockchip RK3399

2G IoT N RDA8810
i96 N RDA8810

3G IoT N MediaTek MT6572
4G IoT N MediaTek MT6737
Adriaan de Groot
2021-05-27 22:23:28 UTC
Post by John F Carr
It would be nice to have a support matrix showing Orange Pi models. I made
a list of models from the web site showing which SoC they use.
This is good content for the FreeBSD wiki, https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm ..
there are sub-pages there for e.g. AllWinner SoC and RockChip SoC, but also
per board brand (e.g. Pine, Beagle) so there's precedent for having the tables
Post by John F Carr
There are
four model lines: AllWinner, Rockchip, RDA, and MediaTek. I see there are
u-boot packages for some AllWinner-based models. I assume those work.
Prrobably? I only added the H6 page recently, after checking one Pine board.
Post by John F Carr
see no support for MediaTek processors in the kernel so I assume they do
not work. I assume the RockChip-based models don't work but could be made
to work because CPU support is already in there for Pine.
There's a Rock64 U-Boot (I think that;s the 3328) at least.

[ade] (who does not rise above the "hm, does this image boot at all" level of
skill here)
linimon@portsmon.org linimon@portsmon.org
2021-05-28 18:40:08 UTC
Post by John F Carr
It would be nice to have a support matrix showing Orange Pi models.
Please contact wiki-***@FreeBSD.org and we can set you up with access.

I have not powered up either my Orange Pi 1 or Orange Pi +2E for a while but they
were working via both serial port and ethernet the last time I tried them.

Mark Millard via freebsd-arm
2021-05-28 19:13:10 UTC
Post by ***@portsmon.org ***@portsmon.org
Post by John F Carr
It would be nice to have a support matrix showing Orange Pi models.
I have not powered up either my Orange Pi 1 or Orange Pi +2E for a while but they
were working via both serial port and ethernet the last time I tried them.
Too keep my "root on USB" configuration going on the
OPi+2e I reverted to the older 2020.10 based U-Boot
that is still in quarterly. The 2021.04 vintages (before
and after the change to UEFI) get through the loader and
kernel startup but fails at the transition to world
(so attempting usb access). (The only thing used on the
microsd card is the U-Boot that was dd'd in all cases.)

I'm guessing the kernel is dependent on some
initialization by U-Boot that has changed in some way
that is incompatible --but have no actual clue what is
going on.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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