High interrupts of generic_timer0 on PINE64-LTS
qroxana via freebsd-arm
2021-05-27 02:42:21 UTC
It's running FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT main-n246476-15c0aaf5170
and the awg0 ethernet is flaky when the generic_timer0 gets high interrupts, any ideas?

# uptime
5:51AM up 1 day, 14:18, 1 users, load averages: 2.08, 2.06, 2.05

# vmstat -i
interrupt total rate
gic0,p11:-ic_timer0 25545307611 184956
gic0,s0: uart0 8701 0
gic0,s32: aw_nmi0 2 0
gic0,s60: aw_mmc0 126 0
gic0,s62: aw_mmc1 14 0
gic0,s82: awg0 8678875 63
aw_nmi0,0:-8xx_pmu0 2 0
cpu0:ast 153 0
cpu1:ast 214 0
cpu2:ast 229 0
cpu3:ast 224 0
cpu0:preempt 1899233 14
cpu1:preempt 2179301 16
cpu2:preempt 1543856 11
cpu3:preempt 2241741 16
cpu0:rendezvous 47 0
cpu1:rendezvous 45 0
cpu2:rendezvous 47 0
cpu3:rendezvous 36 0
cpu0:hardclock 70715 1
Total 25561931172 185076
